
Download HQ Ad Rates 2025

“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford



Two-issue contract: 5% discount

Four-issue contract: 10% discount

Advertising Agencies: 15% discount

Charities or 501(c)(3): 30% discount


Full Page…………………………..7.5″ x 9.75″

Full Page with bleed………8.75″ x 11.125″

2/3 Page…………………………4.75″ x 9.75″

1/2 Page………………………….7.25″ x 4.75″

1/3 Page Square………………4.75″ x 4.75″

1/3 Page Vertical…………….2.25″ x 9.75″

1/6 Page Vertical……………..2.25 x 4.75″

1/6 Page Horizontal………..4.75″ x 2.25″



Ads must be submitted digitally. PDF is the preferred file format. Images must be at least 300 dpi to ensure best quality production. No low-resolution web images please.

Huntington Quarterly is not responsible for any inaccuracy in printing as the result of erroneous electronic files provided by third party creatives or creative agencies.


Tracy Wheeler, VP of Sales, [email protected]

Office: 304-529-6158

Mobile: 606-923-6545


“Magazine advertising has the highest ROI (Return On Investment), more than TV or digital.” – NCSolutions, 2019

“Consumers trust and believe magazines and magazine advertising more than other media.” – Simmons Multi-Media Engagement Study, 2020

“Everybody wants to advertise in radio and television, but the smart advertiser understands the intrinsic value of print. If used properly, no other medium can deliver the message and the customer with such good effect.” – Alf Nucifora, one of Americas leading marketing experts for small businesses


In three surveys of Huntington Quarterly‘s readers, studies conducted by Marshall University’s Center for Business & Economic Research, the Circulation Verification Council and Peachtree Data found the following demographic information:

$149,000 Average Household Income    $400,000 Average Home Value

63% frequently buy products from ads seen in this magazine

38% are retired

76% are college graduates

52% are female; 48% are male

84% have internet access

99% are registered voters

56 is the average age of readers

77% read magazine cover-to-cover

89% own their own home

69% are married

98% would recommend this magazine to a friend or business contact

87% have investment portfolio. Average value: $637,698

90% dine out at least once per week

80% keep the magazine for at least three months

55% vacation out of state

32% vacation in state


The Huntington Quarterly was founded in 1989 as a positive voice for the Huntington, West Virginia region. The magazine reaches 5,000 readers via paid subscribers, online content and newsstand sales throughout the Tri-State region.

The Huntington Quarterly magazine is published four times a year (Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn) by H.Q. Publishing Co., Huntington, West Virginia. Research indicates that the Huntington Quarterly is read by three different consumers.*  *MU Center for Business & Economic Research

“Everybody wants to advertise in radio and television, but the smart advertiser understands the intrinsic value of print as an advertising delivery vehicle. If used properly, no other medium can deliver the message and the customer with such good effect.” -Alf Nucifora, a national authority on advertising and marketing issues for small business.

HQ Ad Rates 2025