Reader’s Letters

I’ve just seen my copy of your special issue with your father’s naval photo on the front and with your beautiful article about him, as well as you Editor’s page – altogether a wonderful and fitting tribute to him. Thank you for sharing your fine thoughts and feelings with your readers, all of whom really appreciate the rarity and indeed purity of such an outpouring of admiration, respect and love. I feel privileged to be thus included, and know that others were very moved. Your father would be so proud.
William C. Campbell
Huntington, WV

Thank you for writing and publishing the wonderful story on the life of your father and his family in Huntington. It needed to be told and made a permanent part of Huntington history. I knew and admired him for the person he was.
Cecil Underwood
Charleston, WV

What a glowing, loving tribute to your father Andy Houvouras. I found it refreshing to read something so positive and inspiring – he instilled love and respect in his family and they are blessed to have treasured memories of him.
Cecelia Hudson
Fresno, CA

Thank you for writing about your father. He was a fine, caring person with a wonderful family. I knew that, but your story taught me so much more about him. I have one correction. Andy was the guiding force behind our Adopt-a-Room campaign for Vanity Fair, but he raised far more than $25,000. The actual total was about $75,000, including $25,000 he helped us get through Governor Caperton’s Community Partnership Fund. It was enough to fully furnish 53 single room occupancy units, the office, the manager’s apartment and Harmony House day service center. We are still using most of the furniture, and have housed several hundred formerly homeless adults over the 14 years we’ve been open. The Cabell-Huntington Coalition for the Homeless is working on a six-unit apartment building for chronic homeless people – the really tough people to house. My first thought was that we need Andy Houvouras to run another Adopt-a-Room campaign. Andy left many legacies in Huntington’s business and community life. The most important is the family that remains here. You are fine people raised by two fine parents. Please give my best regards to Pat. Ed and I love the magazine. Congratulations on 15 good years.
Betty Barrett
Huntington, WV

Thank you for sharing your Dad’s story with his many friends. He was indeed a force in Cabell County during the heydays of the Spring of 1960 – everything was possible with our candidate John F. Kennedy. Matt Reese was ever thankful for Andy’s great help and enthusiasm. Your visit to Washington to interview Matt for your magazine in 1995 was one of the highlights of his retirement. My Huntington friends in the Washington area look forward to receiving the Huntington Quarterly and many calls are received discussing the articles. Thanks for the many memories.
Martha Reese
Reston, VA

I just had to write and tell you how much I enjoyed the Winter 2005 issue and the article you wrote on your father. It was compelling, it was touching, it was inspiring. It was truly a great piece. Reading the article not only made me feel like I had known Mr. Houvouras, but the reaction it had was to make me want to be a better person. Thank you for sharing his wonderful life with your readers.
Tyson Compton
Ashland, KY

Just a quick note. I always enjoy reading Clint McElroy’s column but wanted to point out that Borden’s mascot was named Elsie, not Daisy.
Howard Adkins
Huntington, WV

Editor’s Note: How right you are. We received several letters about the error and stand red-faced and corrected.