Last Laugh – Best of the Best

By Clint McElroy
HQ 111 | AUTUMN 2020

I love “best of” lists. I mean with a fierce and burning love. I look forward to these lists the way my grandchildren look forward to Christmas. When Editor Jack Houvouras told me he was doing a Best of Huntington cover story for this edition of the magazine, it got me thinking: Has anyone ever done a Best of the Best of Lists? And you know me, I’ve got to take it to the next level. So, I proudly present my “Best of the Best-of Lists of Bests.” Huh? It will make sense soon enough …

Best actor to play a sheriff in Hazzard County and a friend of a sheriff in Mayberry: James Best.

Best book about cussing, cigar-smoking, wine-drinking children: Best Christmas Pageant Ever.

Best hotel chain to offer continental breakfast with a waffle station in Yangon, Myanmar (formerly Burma): Best Western.

Best TV show featuring kids named Kitten and Bud: Father Knows Best.

Best wedding-related Julia Roberts romantic comedy without Richard Gere: My Best Friend’s Wedding.

Best employer of Travis McElroy that allowed him to chase down shoplifters: Best Buy.

Best podcast about video games with Travis’s brothers Justin and Griffin: Besties. 

Best movie featuring the actors who play husband and wife on Schitt’s Creek playing a different husband and wife: Best in Show.

Best song used in a TV commercial for Applebee’s Bigger, Bolder Grill Combos: (Simply) The Best by Tina Turner.

Best song by Queen used in every other TV commercial: You’re My Best Friend.

Best magazine feature that is only read in dentist office waiting rooms: Laughter is the Best Medicine.

Best musical with Burt Reynolds showing he can’t sing and Dolly Parton showing almost everything else: Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.

Best word that sounds like it should be spelled B-e-a-s-t-i-a-l but isn’t: Bestial.

Best song titled Best of My Love by a group with a name that starts with an E: The Best of My Love by Eagles/Best of My Love by Emotions. It’s a tie.

Best phrase in a radio ad that Mac McElroy Sr. messed up live on the air, cracking up 5-year-old Mac McElroy Jr. listening at home: “Makes the best bread.” (Try it over and over again yourself, and you’ll get why.)

And my very best to each of you this holiday season!